Monday, July 19, 2010

Naked in Newport

Well, not really. I started out my day by going to work in the morning. Had a good work day minus the exhaustion but I had a good crew working with me and the rest of the crew outside of the ushers was legit, so time went by pretty fast. After work I went home and ate  hot wings while going in and out of sleep until I finally met up with Rose and Kev. We did a lot of driving to nowhere in particular. 5 cities, a Church’s Chicken location, and several good laughs later we ended up at Krispy Kreme where I had some donuts and where we met up with Justin. We messed around in the parking lot for a while spinning and falling and Jimmy ended up there too. More spinning and Jimmy jammed out and I brought Kevin back to his pad. Me, Justin, and Rose then make a random ass trip to Newport. We checked out the locale, checked out the houses, and hit up Del taco where I had 11 tacos. I had to accept Justin’s challenge. Overall it was a basic day that turned into a great adventure. Gotta love random nights out.


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