Friday, July 16, 2010

Inception and food with my girls

Today was a really good day. I started out the day waking up late and playing some MW2 with Brandon Flores and Eric Wilson. They play search and destroy which I suck at but it was still fun. After that I met up with Rose at AMC where we screened Inception. This movie is amazing. You guys gotta watch it now. I'll put up a review on it later on today or tomorrow cause I'm too tired to go into it now. But yea, after that we met up with Alicia and Caydie and we went to PFchang or whatever that place in called in Chino lol. I had the VIP Duck and it was legit. I also had this Chinese beer that I will post a review of later on again. We were there for quite a while then we head over to Walmart to get some snackage before the movie. We then make our way to AMC where we went to the midnight showing of Inception. It was amazing as usual and after that me, Caydie, and Alicia went to Denny's for sime grubbage. I had my usual FTS and we ended up just talked there for hours and hours. Basically the movie ended at 2:40...and we left Denny's after 6am. So yea...great day with my girls.


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