Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Hangover

Oh The I love you so. You're idiotic, you're classless, you're immature, you're ludicrous, and most importantly of're down right hilarious. One of the best comedies I've ever seen. One of the movies I've repeatedly seen the most. One of the movies that brings the fondest memories ever. How can you go wrong with a tiger, Tyson, a baby, and a group of clashing yet interesting personalities? To be honest they could have royally screwed this movie up but it surprised everyone and turned into one of the funniest movies in the past couple years. There is no boring place in the movie; it's one outrageous scene to the next. The comedy never lets up from the hilarious antics of the cast to the little banter between them in the "lulls" between set pieces. This banter is where a lot of the best memories are in the movie. Everyone remembers the big scenes like the bloodbrothers moment and the tiger in the car, but people also remember the rétard and the sofa pizza. It never gets old. You have probably scene this movie already and I urge you to watch it again. If you haven't get a group of friends together and watch it cause as great it is to watch alone, it's exponentially better watching it in a group. One of my favorite movies of all time!


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