Monday, July 19, 2010

Blue Moon Honey Moon Summer Ale

Blue Moon Honey Moon Summer Ale. This is a seasonal ale that available during the summer. Most people have already tried the regular Blue Moons and this one doesn't live up to the original but I still enjoyed it. It pours out a ]yellow hue with a thin white head. Retention is quite mediocre. There wasn't much aroma to speak of but it did have a slight wheat aroma with a honey undertone. The flavor is similar to the smell but more so citrus and honey. The flavor is pretty balanced with the honey not being too sweet. It's quite enjoyable. It's quite refreshing although it is a simple beer. There isn't much complexity in the flavor at all. This is more a beer to drink rather than savoring. If you like Blue Moons give this a shot, but don't expect it to rock your world.


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