Thursday, July 1, 2010

Eclipse and BJ's and much more

I have to really catch up with this. I missed the past 2 days or so. So yea. On Tuesday I did some errands at home and then went to AMC for the Eclipse ice cream/screening thing. There was a bunch of us there and I don’t remember exactly who was there so yea. Did that, watched Eclipse, fell asleep and that was that. After the screening me, Rose, Ryan, Hope, and Amy went to BJ’s to grab a bite to eat. I had the classic half pound angus burger and  BJ’s PM Porter beer. The meal was great, the beer was OK, and the company was exquisite. After that we all went out separate ways but not before I picked up a deliveries shift cause Brandon gave me a call for it.

Wednesday, which was yesterday, I woke up and went to work at 9am. I worked with Perez and Alex doing deliveries and there was a shitload. I pulled a 10 hour shift with the guys and after that I gave Perez a ride to his place. After that I took a shower and bought a new 360 randomly and went to AMC to catch an Airbender screening but I was an hour too late. I just stuck around to wait for Kevin to come and when he showed up we ended up going to Friday’s with Caydie where I had a Bud Lite and the Jack Daniel’s Chicken strips. We spent a while just talking and ended up at AMC again waiting for several people to clock off and then me, Caydie, Wilson, and Garett ended up going to Denny’s and we all jammed out after that. I set up my 360 when I got home but that isn’t a big deal. But I did make a new gamertag…Dude Dudenstein…add me people.


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