Monday, June 28, 2010

work work work wings wings wings beer beer beer

I went to work to open usher...worked with Tucker and Mario...met up with Hope, Rose, Jaz, Wilson, and the Kevins and went to Tommys. Then me Rose and Hope meet up with Alex, Mitchell, and their cousin and hit up BWW. I had 12 wings there half Honey BBW and the other half Caribbean Jerk. They were meh but i had a Guinness and that made the night better. That is all...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Boring life

Alright so today I woke up at 3:30pm...watched some 24 and surfed the net...and then went to work where I ushered with Gus, Caydie, Carissa, Garret, and some others...did that till closing...helped Chelsea close...and went home to watch more 24, eat, and drink a Doggie Claw. Boring life huh?

Hair of the Dog Doggie Paws

Hair of the Dog Doggie Claws. Another great beer from the Walmart Liquorette. It pours out in a brownish, amber color with a nice tan head. It has decent retention and is nicely laced. Hops are very noticeable in the aroma and also has a sugary type of smell. I'm guessing it's like a honey smell. The taste is where the beer really shines. The hops adds bitterness into the fold and it's balanced with the sweetness of the supporting flavors. Like the smell I'm guessing the supporting flavor is honey with a bit of another flavor that I can't seem to place. It has very light carbonation so it goes down so smooth. It also feels smooth going down which adds to the charm. My only real gripe is that you can taste the alcohol pretty well but that's to be expected considering it's a pretty strong 11.5% abv. If you don't mind the taste of alcohol then this beer is going to blow your mind. This is up there with the best beers so far.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rogue Imperial Stout

Rogue Imperial Stout. This is quite a unique experience. It pours out in a dark color. It's basically pitch black with a think light brown head that has great retention and is beautifully creamy. The aroma is of coffee and roasted malts. It also has a slight chocolate aroma, but that's an afterthought. The flavor is resplendent as well. It tastes just like the smell but much more evident. It also has a thick consistency. When you get near the end of the beer you can see the thickness of the brew. This is the thickest beer I've had so it was quite the experience. It's 11% abv and you do taste the alcohol initially but it disappears as you drink it. The only hint of the alcohol is a slight warming taste in your mouth but the actual taste of the alcohol slowly disappears making this a very drinkable brew. It's so good.

Moved out!

I didn't sleep last night cause I was moving shit around the house making room for my apartment stuff. I met up with Mark and the two of us and my dad go to Rside to get the rest of my crap from my apartment. Bring them back and then I went to work where I proceeded to usher with Mando. Got off work, did a beer run, and then I knocked the fuck out. And now here I am...

24 Redemption

Ah 24 Redemption. I'm finally getting the chance to write about you. You are the prequel to the 7th season to set up the premise of the season. You have Jack in Africa and he prevents the local rebels from kidnapping the kids to use in their military. It's exactly what you would expect from 24, real time clock and all but all in a 2 hours span. It's pretty good but it's weird not having any real twists. It's straightforward and it makes you hate the UN and little black boys. The little boy is fuckin' annoying but whatcha gonna do? So's a fun ride while it lasts.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Grown Ups

So Grown Ups...I expected more out of this movie but it's still decent. It's not the nonstop laughs you would expect from the commercials or the trailers. It's more down to Earth and is definitely more like the cast just chillin' by the lake having some brews and talking. That's basically what this movie is. It's pretty simple and it works but you just have to expect it. Definitely don't go in expecting Happy Gilmore or Mall Cop, this is more realistic but I'm not sure if that was intentional or not. Like in real life they crack jokes...some funny...some not so much...some just plain that part seems true to life. Guys and their stupid ideas are here and most things aren't too extreme and whatever is pretty far reaching is for the sake of comedy and works...but takes away from the aura of the rest of the movie. It's pretty never really finds its footing...basically its a confused comedy that's unsure about where it wants to go and never really finds its groove. See it if you want but don't expect to laugh your asses off.

Just keep cleaning...

I spent most of the day cleaning and organizing the house....yea...and I'm gonna keep doing that after I finish this post and the Grown Ups one after this so yea. Well i woke up to my dad bitching and complaining about something but I just laid on the couch for a while after waking up cause I was still dead tired from Magic yesterday but after I finally got up I got straight to moving shit from the house to the garage or the shed. What a great way to start out my day huh? Anyways...after a while of organizing and cleaning I take a shower and jam out for a little bit with Rose. We went to Fullerton to this tattoo shop where Rose got her tattoo and then we went to AMC to see what was up with screenings to see if we can score one. We then jam out to get some grub. Rose got some Lee Sandwiches or whatever that thing is and I got a Double Double at In-n-Out with animal fries. Meal was bomb as usual and after that I brought Rose back to her place and i went home to continue my cleaning. I found a lot of old crap in my room that I totally forgot about. I found my old pokémon cards from years and years ago as well as my old power rangers drawing set from back in the day. I also realized that my globe is from the Cold War era....USSR and all intact. Other than that I found old pizza in my closet from who knows how long ago...kinda nasty but oh well. After a bit I jam out to AMC and caught the Grown Ups showing with Rose, Chels, and Bishop. Now i'm gonna finish up my night with more cleaning....

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Guinness...what can I say about your deep dark essence? Simply put, it's freakin' bomb. It pour out a deep black color with a think persistent head. It went great with the ribs that I had and can also be a great meal replacement beer, not that I would ever do that....but anyways...drinking it is an experience in and of itself. It has a nice thick and creamy body. The carbonation is extremely mild. It's not a beer that'll make you burp repeatedly, it goes down smooths and stays down. The aroma is of roasted malt, but more of the roast than the malt. Amazing aroma I should say. The flavor starts out sort of sweet with hints of molasses. It goes down creamy and full with a great refreshing hoppiness at the end to seal the deal.

Magic Mountain

So Wednesday was Magic day with Alex and Chelsea. Me and Chels met up at my place and then we picked up Alex. We go over to Valencia and ate at the Wendy's just outside of the park before going in. We go in yadda yadda yadda and start hitting up the rides. Great day at the park. Yea it was hot, but that doesn't really matter in great company. There was a girl with hairy pits and another girl with ugly ass feet and those was in the first half of the time at the park. I even got a chance to get one of them giant pickles that I love so much. But yea, a long exhausting day at Magic passes and we head home and I picked up Rose and Carissa to hit up BJs. When we get there it was already closed so we hit up BWW instead. I got the ribs cause I was freaking hungry and a Guinness. The ribs were very very meh. Kevin Chan met up with us there and as did Caydie and her friend. We chill there for a bit and after I took everyone home that needed a ride. Overall it was an amazing day with amazing people. Till next time bitches...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Modern Films Aren't the Same

Movies now can't beat this

24 Season 6

24 Season 6 is another good but not great season of 24. Seems like as the seasons progresses it looses its appeal but that might just be because you just get used to the formula. But if it aint broke don't fix it, and the formula isn't least not yet. This season seems to be the start of Jack's downfall. This was also the last season i watched on TV so I don't know what's going to happen in the final two seasons. This one is the season with the terrorist threats brought forth by Fayed, the suitcase nukes and eventually the circuit board. It doesn't grab your attention as well as the past seasons but it does so well enough to warrant continued attention. Jack falls apart and his humanity takes a total beating throughout the season. Overall this was a really good season but isn't as great as the past ones.

Slow day indeed

Today was pretty boring...I woke up...went to Riversuck to move out the rest of my small shit...went to AMC for the Toy Story 3 screening but had to leave early to run some errands...and finished the night with 24...c'est la vie

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Recap of whatever I missed

Alright so I gotta catch up with this. Sunday was work then hangout. I did an opening usher shift with a really good group of workers so that went like clockwork. After that i went home and chilled for a bit before heading over to Anne's place to pick her up. we chilled at AMC watching a little bit up Karate Kid before meeting up with Bishop and Chels. We ran into Alex and his crew and met up with Kevin Chan in the lot. We jam out to Where we meet up with Justin and we eat out hearts out. Justin jams out like a bitch and the rest of us go bowling. Bowled for an hour then me and Chels head over to Carissa's to pick her up to go to LA. We go to LA, got lost for a bit cause of the blocked off roads and met up with Brandon and Cynthia. We get the hotel room at the Wilshire Grand and waited for the parade. Go to the parade come back...catch some sleep...and then me and the girls go out to look at LA but I was like fuck it and I went my own way. I went to the Staples Center and then found this little tavern but before I can go in and drink with some of the fans that I met up with I got a call saying we were leaving....i was so bummed cause right when I found my element we had to jam out. Anyways....we left, got stuck in traffic, but when we got back to West Co I met up with Rose and chilled at Fajardo Park for a little bit before going to Coffee Break to get some Unagi. That was basically the past couple days just summed up....I'm too lazy to go into full detail so I wont.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Alright so yesterday was ok....i had to supervise the floor instead of running it at work which was totally not my thing. I'm more of the point guard that runs the offense instead of the coach that runs the team...maybe super isn't the thing to me....but anyways...I ended up chilling with Kev after work where we got some Tommy's. Had my usual Mega Combo and that's basically it. Oh yea, saw Ernie...that fat fuck is still annoying. to work I go

Friday, June 18, 2010

Port Brewing Santa's Little Helper

Alrighty, I was honest kind of scared to try this brew. It's Christmasy so I immediately thought it was going to have a weird flavor like peppermint or something. Boy was I wrong. This is another great beer from Port Brewing Co. First of all at 10% abv this os a stronger drink than a lot of other beers, but you can't taste the alcohol at all. It pours out a deep black color with a light brown to tan head. That alone should give you an idea of the flavor to expect. The aroma is very dessert. It smells like dark chocolate with cocoa and hops. It smelled really appetizing. The flavor is totally out of this world. It's got a very complicated taste to it. it ranges from dark chocolate to fudge to slight cinnamon to cappuccino. This is all backed up by the consistency. It creamy which is weird for sure, but totally compliments the flavor. This hit me a very Midnight Sessions but skewed more towards the chocolate; Midnight Session is more coffee than chocolate. Try out this brew when you can, especially if you want something desserty.

Port Brewing Wipeout IPA

Port Brewing Wipeout IPA. What to say about this brew? This won't change your mind if you don't like IPAs but this is a damn good IPA. It pours out a orangeish haze with a white head that holds up fairly well. The aroma definitely exudes the essence of hops. It's kind of a piney sweet scent that just works well for itself. The flavor is all in the smells too. The blends of hops is stunning. It hits you as hoppy right from the get go but cleans itself in the middle with a sweet undertone to end with the bitter bite of the hops. This one goes in the record books as a great IPA. Try it now if you like IPA but if you don't it won't change your mind...I think...

Blue Moon Belgian Wheat Ale

Alright so Blue Moon. A lot of people associate me with this brew cause I used to live by it once my cousin introduced me to it. It's a bomb beer if you just want a regular brew but it doesn't stand up against the craft/specialties, but that's just how it works in life. Blue Moon is still a really good beer especially with orange, but I had it just plain this time around. It pours out in a cloudy orange tint with a decently sized white head. It has a slight citrus aroma and a mild flavor of citrus. It's very mild but really good nonetheless. This is a beer that's pretty simple on the tongue. There's no complex flavors or aftertastes, what you see is what you get. And you definitely get a good brew for the money. Drink this regularly.

Lakers Baby!

LAKERS BABY! I'm fully recovered from everything and I'm still stoked about the game. Game 7, down to the wire, everything was just perfect. PERFECT! I swear the more beer I drank the better the Lakers played so I just rocked my Port Brews.

After the game I hit up AMC to catch a screening of Jonah Hex. I stuck around for Jonah until about halfway through when I picked up Chels and Carissa. When I got back to AMC Hex was already done so we waited for Perez to hit up Mando's post Laker game hangout. Of course I bring my Blue Moons cause that's what I'm known for I guess but yea we chill there for a while. Some of us got sick and some didn't but end all be all we ended up home so all is good.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

So true


Heineken. This is an example of a meh beer where marketing made it what it is today. There isn't much flavor here and whatever flavor there is an odd bitter with a sort of metallic lacing. I think it's just really awkward. The smell is pretty skunky and isn't the most appetizing smell for a brew. I guess this is a decent brew for the average joe who hasn't tasted the craft/specialty brews but I seem to have a tough time getting it down nowadays. The medium to high carbonation is also a slight shock to the system. I can't say I can recommended this beer to anyone but to each his own I guess.

Runs! started out shitty and ended great. Started the first couple of hours in an hour of the bathroom cause of the hot wing runs. That was a total bitch. Went to Gamestop to get a 2 month sub to WoW and stopped by the Verizon store to check if they had the Incredibles in stock which they did not. I also swung by Micheals to get some new Micron pens, but turns out they don't have the black ones in stock anymore. Anyways...after that I get a text from Alex saying he wants to chill and I start texting people to see whos down. I get a call from Carissa and Chels and we meet up at AMC and met up with Alex and his cousin. We go to West Co lanes but turns out they close at midnight so we hit up this pool place in Whittier where we play like 4 games of pool then we met up with Mitchell at Tommys where we got some late night grubbage. I got my usual Mega Combo and all is good. We jammed out after that...I'm gonna end my night with a Heineken...stay tuned for an overview of the brew...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Oh I wanted to like you. I was very intrigued about this movie when it came out. The trailer was very mysterious, it didn't tell you much about the movie. You watched this movie to figure that shit out. Too bad the movie in and of itself in kind of flawed. Like it's not necessarily a bad movie, it just loses itself in the second half. The first half was good, it had a good amount of tension and dread. But as the movie went on, that was replaced by action and cheaper thrills. I guess that was to try and make more sense of the plot which was pretty diluted to start out with. Earth is overpopulated so they send people out on a long ass journey to a planet that can sustain human life but shit hits the fan and you're there to  figure out what the fuck happened. I will say that the twist was pretty satisfying but doesn't really make the movie all that memorable. You can pass on this movie. Only watch it if you're interested and even then beware of possible boredom.

Samuel Adams Boston Lager

Samuel Adams Boston Lager. This is a tough beer for me to talk about because I got used to craft and specialty beers. I'll start off saying that this isn't a bad beer. It's still good for what it is, but it doesn't have the shine of the craft/specialties. It just seems simple. It pours in a dark amber color with a nice lacy white head and has a sweet aroma but it was hard to smell it over the rest of the food around me. BWW isn't the best place to judge a brew but it had to do. The flavor was pretty nicely balanced as the bitterness of the hops was sort of offset by the sweet malts. Overall it's a very simple beer. There's nothing that'll surprise you or really impress you. This is one of the better of what I call the regular brews which are the ones you see regularly at supermarkets or restaurants. It's not disappointing but it doesn't really shine either. Drink if you like but you aren't missing out on anything special.

Lakers and BWW today was simple so far. I woke up at 6pm just in time to watch the game. We basically blew out Boston in a 67-89 victory. I just chilled at home watching TV and surfing the net until I hit up BWW with the Kevins, Wil, Charlie, Lida and her sis. I had a Sam Adams Boston Lager and the BWW Blazin' Challenge. I did it in 2 min and 30 sec. I took out 20 seconds off my original time but I still couldn't get it under 2 minutes. It was alot harder this time around cause the wings were drenched in sauce. But yea, so far this day per se has been good...I doubt I'll sleep tonight cause I've only been up 8 hours so yea...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So yea...woke up...went to Anne's pad with Rose to get her hair cut. Met up with Bishop and Wil to get Dennys. I got the Superbird with Chili. Then I went to sleep. Woke up to a dinner of steak and lobster from Maestros which was legit. West to AMC and caught up with Rose, Justin, and Kevin Wei. I hang out with too many Kevins but yea. Went to Pinks. Then went to the subway in Fullerton to see the soda machine. That is my boring day.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Hair of the Dod Fred

Hair of the Dog Fred is a smooth beer. You can down this beer easily by why would you? It's fuckin' delicious. I sipped this beer through and through cause the taste was resplendent. It's got a sweet taste through the hops. It's hard to place the actual flavor of the sweetness, it's like a mix of different fruits, maybe even tropical. The smell is very similar to the taste. It smells of sweetness and a slight hint of the alcohol (10% abv). Seriously, this beer is very smooth and you can just drink and drink this one. So delicious.

Pizza Port Shark Attack Triple Red Ale

Pizza Port Shark Attack Triple Red Ale is another great beer from Port Brewing Co. This one has a weird taste to it but is still remarkable. It's got a sweet flavor. You can definitely taste the hops but it also has an apple tartness to it with a hint of caramel. Being a 9.2% abv beer, you can barely taste the alcohol in it which compliments the sweetness very well. The smell is kind of like the flavor. It's got a floral aroma to it and even smells slightly sweet. I did not expect this beer to taste like this at all and I was pleasantly amused hahaha


Went to work earlier than I've ever gone before. I was supposed to be on register in concession but ended up being floor supervisor. I did that for two hours, then I ran with the ushers for like 15 minutes. The I became main backbar and eventually running the stand. Overall good day at work, very chill cause I got to work with everyone. Mitchel at TD. Chels, Anne, Wil, Gar, Jon, etc in concession. No biggie and thanks to Chels for helping me run the stand.

After work I hit up Wingstop to watch the Laker game with the two Kevins and Jon. I had a 20 piece combo...lemon pepper and original hot. The game sucked. Nobody on the Lakers did anything. Kobe was the only one scoring...we didn't seem to want that game. Lakers are taking the next two games!

After that me and the Kevins made a beer run to cure the depression and watched the A-Team which was great as usual. After that we hit up Denny's for a late night bite to eat. I had the Cheesecake and fudge brownie. Those were yum.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Life

Went to worked...ran the floor...went to Wingstop with the Kevins and life

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Called into work

I woke up today through a call from AMC. I was called into work and I ended up working a full 8 hours. Basically I worked with JT, Felice, Mondo, Christina, Ceasar, Hernan, Shawn, and Charlie. It was a pretty fun day cause everyone was pretty chill. I also got to do a little but of concession with Rose and Chelsea. But yea...after work I met up with Jimmy and Justin so us three and Rose and Shawn hit up Wingstop and talked for a long while. That was my day...goodbye...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Port Brewing Panzer Imperial Pils

Port Brewing Panzer Imperial Pils is another great beer from my favorite Port Brewing Co. This is a stronger type of beer and definitely hoppier than the others in the brand that I've tried. It's pretty mellow for an imperial pils so just think Sam Adams but a little lighter. That doesn't take anything away from the brew though. Yea it's a hoppy beer but it's kinda floral. You can kinda taste a hint of citrus but it isn't too discernible though the the rest of the brew. For a beer that's 9.5% abv you don't really taste the alcohol much. You taste the alcohol more in Trappistes and that has about the same abv. So far I would put Midnight Sessions on top of the Port Brew beers (it's still my favorite beer period) and Hot Rocks at second. Panzer Imperial would have to be the last of the three that I've had but it's still a damn good beer. So yea, even though it's the last of the Port Brews, I'll give it about a 95/100 so it's still amazing. I just wanna hammer that in. Try this beer now!

Karate Team

Alright today was kinda full. I woke up and just laid on the couch for several hours cause I didn’t want to get up and eventually I was like fuck it and played a little bit of Modern Warfare 2. I suck so much now, I’m so out of practice in that game. So yea, eventually I get a text from Rose saying that there’s gonna be a Karate Kid screening in like 20 minutes so I jam out right away. I get to AMC and I talk to Lida and Amy for a little bit before watching Karate Kid with Rose.

So yea, Karate Kid is a pretty good movie. It’s not as good as the original but it’s a respectful homage to the original source. Jaden Smith does a good job in this movie and definitely has a future ahead of himself in showbiz. Jackie Chan steals the movie for me though. Yeah he’s getting old so he isn’t as fast as he used to be, but this guy still kicks ass. He’s a good source of comedy, inspiration, and even adds to the drama. Both Jaden and Jackie have great chemistry and it shows in the film. Just be warned, it’s a pretty long movie. I thought it was going to run sub two hours, but in reality it ran for 2 hours and 20 minutes. To me it kind of lagged in the beginning but that’s just me. I will admit that it  creates a good sense of tension between Jaden and the bullies, but the bullies and that tension disappears in the middle which dumbfounds me cause it’s supposed be a pretty big part of the movie….he does learn kung fu because of them. All in all it’s an ok movie that you would walk out entertained. Catch it if you want but if you decide to pass, you wont be missing out on much.

After the movie me and Rose meet up with Kiwi and Roo at Wingstop where we watched the Laker game. I’m glad to say that the crew at Wingstop are starting to recognize me again. The main guy knows my name and my general order, so it’s starting to feel like home there again. It was definitely good chilling with Kiwi and Roo again. I see Kiwi at work but I hadn’t seen Roo since his birthday bash a while ago. But yeah, I had my original usual and it was delicious as usual. If the Lakers would have won I would have been a much happier guy, but we didn’t. I was bummed but what else can I do about it? We are gonna win the rest. After the game and Wingstop me and Rose do a quick beer run at the Liquorette cause she wanted to try a fruity drink that I told her about and I just needed a drink after the damn game. After that we met up with Kevin at AMC and ended meeting up with Chels and Carissa too and we all watched A-Team together with Gus cause he was screening it.

The A-Team…I liked it. It’s not a deep movie, it’s not intelligent, but it’s totally full of win. It’s a damn entertaining movie. Big explosions everywhere, conflicts, jokes, smartass remarks…everything you can ask for is here. There isn’t much to say about this movie. The cast works great with each other, they are all badass in their own way which makes for some intense scenes and they all banter back and forth which is hilarious. It’s just that, a ride. Sit back and relax cause this movie is gonna be a trip. If you’re gonna watch a movie this weekend watch A-Team. I pity the fool who puts on my jewels!

After the movie Gus went back to his boothy duties, Carissa jammed out, we took Rose home, and me Kev and Chels hit up Yoshinoya for a late night bite to eat. I had whatever the number 1 was with a flan. It wasn’t bad but it’s not the best hahaha and I think the company made it taste better. We talked for a bit but not for too long cause Chels and Kev were pretty beat. After a bit of talking I brought them back to AMC and we all went our separate ways. All in all good day. Summer baby!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fucking 1up Shroom

The shear terror of their first time encountering the dreaded shroom is fuckin' classic. It makes me want to try and do this myself hahaha

Knight Templar

This was originally a pencil drawing. I went over it with Micron pen and scanned it into my computer where I cleaned it up a little bit and added the red to accent the uniform.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Paramore's video for Careful is just legit. Their Brand New Eyes album is just amazing. They just keep getting better and better with every album they put out.

Game 3

Today was decent. I woke up and loitered at home cause I didn't want to go to Riversuck...or what Mr. Padilla calls it...Homicide. But yea, I hit up taco tuesday with Tyler and Mac and went back to my apt to watch the game. Game 3 NBA Finals at Boston. Substantial 17 point lead whittled away in the second half and became a close game in the end. Fisher kept us in the lead and we won the game. I love you Fisher. I then proceeded in doing some online shopping and now I'm studying for my CS10 final that's at 8am.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


 This looks totally insane. Hopefully this is a prelude to an actual movie and not just a live action short for a new game a la Halo.

Wingstop run! again...

Yesterdy...I randomly hung out with Hernandez. We hit up Nogales and randomly visited some old teachers like Padilla, Mollo, and Bergslein. That was a good time. Brought her home and went to AMC to wait until I met up with Chels and Carissa for Wingstop. I talked to Kiwi for a while then I hit up wings with the girls. I had my usual combo but with lemon pepper instead of original hot. After wings we hit up Spencers in the West Co mall cause Chels wanted to get studs so we went and spent some time there. I almost bought a beer bongzilla but it was a tad over my price range. But yea, after that we brought Carissa home and I dropped off Chels at her car and I went to AMC again. Talked to Rose and Kiwi until everyone had to jam out...all in all good day.

Monday, June 7, 2010

24 season 5

24 Season 5 is another good season in the franchise but it doesn't seem to get you hooked like the past seasons. Instead of smart suspense where the tension in created by the danger of the threat, they tension here comes from the stupid leadership of the people running the organizations. It's still a good season though and worthy of the 24 name, it just isn't as good as the past 4 seasons. This one is about the Russian separatist group who wants to use nerve gas to kill Russians in Moscow and turns into them plotting to use it on Americans to a huge conspiracy. At least the writers aren't afraid to implicate high ranking government officials for good TV. Who knew treason is the way to get ratings? But yea, a lot of the big characters from the past seasons were killed off...Palmer, Almeida, Dessler...that was a major bummer mainly cause I loved Tony and Michelle but not you know that nobody is safe from getting killed season!

Such is life

Woke up at 4...did a beer run...and went to the Espericuetas with Jo. Ate there, watched the game there, played with the puppy there. Sad that we lost the game, but at least I was in good company to ease the pain. I also had several pints of beer, good beer I must add.. Came home and ate lobster. Such is my life...

Port Brewing Hot Rocks Lager

Alright, so Port Brewing Hot Rocks Lager is another beer from the Port Brewing Co. and it's another really good beer. It's not as flavorful as the Midnight Sess but it's got a unique flavor. It's got a really subtle roasted flavor from the hot rocks that was use to boil the brew. Under the roasted flavor is the hint of sweetness and its all laced in a smooth finish. It's very easy to drink, even easier than Midnight Sess. It seems more watery than what you would expect from an American Lager but that doesn't take away from the experience. This is a good beer to start off with if you're new to the specialty and craft beer thing, so give this a sip.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Rochefort Trappistes 8

Rochefort Trappistes 8 is another great beer. It's 9.2% ABV so it's one of the stronger beers I've had and it's a great beer, but Midnight Sess is still my favorite. It's kinda hard to describe this beer, it's kinda fruity which really threw me off. To start things off it has a good head that holds up really well, you can even tell by the feeling when you drink it. It's almost a smooth drink, almost creamy. It's definitely a drinkable beer. The taste is tough to place. It initially hit me as kind of sour cause it has a tang on the back of your tongue but it seems to finish with a sweet cream type thing. The best I can compare it to is plums or strong raisins. If you like those flavors then definitely try this out. It's not as unforgiving as Arrogant Bastard and it's not as subtle as Midnight Sess, but a great brew nonetheless.

Wingstop Run!

So yea…today was pretty good overall. Started out shitty though. I overslept and ended up 15 minutes late to the calc final that I did really bad on. I’m gonna be retaking that shit again sometime. Fuck it. After that I took a long nap that was longer than expected. I woke up like at 3:30 ish. Went back to West Co and met up with Rose and we hit up Wingstop with Justin. I strayed from my usual and got lemon pepper instead of smoked hickory but everything else was the usual. After Wingstop Justin showed us that one liquor store that had a great beer selection but they weren’t chilled. I’m definitely gonna hit that up during the summer once I finish up on the liquorette. Justin also showed us a legit cigar shop. It makes me wanna start up cigs but we’ll where the summer takes me. After that Justin jammed out and we met up with Kevin at AMC. We chill there for a bit trying to figure out what movie to watch and we visit the liquorette before it closes to get drinks for the Laker game tomorrow. I got a Rochefort Trappistes 8 and a Port Brewing Midnight sessions. We then catch up with Chelsea at the lot and the four of us head over to In n Out for a bite to eat. I got a Double Double with Animal Fries and a root beer and I finished up the other half of Chelsea’s Double Double. I was satisfied after that but not full yet. Carissa and Caydie catch up with us there and we decided to check out Banana Bay but it was already closed so we just called it a night…food filled day with great people…it’s gonna be a bomb summer!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Picross 3D

After losing several hours to Picross 3D I can say that this game is legit. So many puzzles, so addicting, such a simple concept. It's very Picrossy so if you liked the original, you will definitely like this one too. Play it now!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Wolverine Inked

Finished this drawing finally. I drew the line art for this one during the winter of my first year in college so about 2 years ago. I stopped working on it once I finished inking the lines. I found it and scanned it into my computer and finished the coloring and touch ups via photoshop.

Port Brewing Midnight Sessions

Port Brewing Midnight Sessions Lager. This is still my favorite beer. The first time I had it was at Father's Office, but now that I found the Liquorette that sells it, it's my go to beer. It pours out a dark rich color with a heavy persistent head. The head stays for a long while compared to other brews and is a great characteristic. It's got a really complex flavor of malt, coffee, nuts, and finishes with a dark chocolate aftertaste. It's simply amazing. The mild carbonation allows that flavors to really shine and allows your palate to notice all the subtle hints that the brew has. Drink this beer now, you wont regret it.


Today was pretty decent. I went to class and discussion and then came back to West Co. I caught up with Rose and Chelsea and got a quick bite to eat at Fridays. I got the Fish and Chips and had a good time with the girls. Then we went to AMC.

We watched the midnight showing of Get Him to the Greek. I was expecting to utterly hate this movie cause Russel Brand is annoying to me. Surprisingly I liked it a lot. It's really raunchy and it's pretty damn nonstop. It gets better as the movie progresses and it is full of drug and alcohol humor. I was totally surprised that Brand didn't get annoying to me at all during the movie and I credit that to the script and directing. It just seems to work. Turns out this is one of the few movies that got me to laugh out loud. I still think that She's Out of My League is the best comedy of 2010, but this one is tied for second with Hot Tub Time Machine.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Alixée Store now open

So yea, the Alizée store is now officially open. I know I haven't followed Alizée too closely anymore and that's mainly cause I can't get into her newest album like I did with MCE, Gourmandices, or Psych but I'm still going to support her even though I don't like the direction she's going with her career. By the way, this shit is too expensive for my taste and shipping from France is a bitch...

Captain America Concept

These are concept art for the Captain America movie. It's looking really good, they might actually be able to pull off his costume!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

C'est la vie

Woke up and went to lab. Came home and slept all day. Woke up bought some Church's chicken. Going back to West Co to pick up a schedule and do my project. all nighter probably...C'est la vie...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Today was simple. Went to class, caught up on some sleep, watched some 24, slept again, taco tuesday..and that's it. One more week at Riversuck!

The Rookie

The Rookie starring Dennis Quaid. I really liked this movie. It's just one of those feel good inspirational sports movies like Remember the Titans. It follows a simple formula of baseball player that got hurt in the minors in a high school baseball coach who coaches the team to a winning season and because of that he tries out for the majors. Basic story that isn't too surprising but good nonetheless. There isn't much to say about it cause it's a simple formula that works so I'll just leave it as a must watch if you like these types of movies.

Old Times

Today I spent some time with Hernandez, Mindy, and Desiree. It's been a while since I saw them so this was a good time to catch up. We spent the night at Fridays where I had the crab cake appetizer which was really good but the night was about catching up and reminiscing about old times. I'm definitely gonna try and spend more time with them cause I didn't realize how much I missed these people until now.