Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hair of the Dog Doggie Paws

Hair of the Dog Doggie Claws. Another great beer from the Walmart Liquorette. It pours out in a brownish, amber color with a nice tan head. It has decent retention and is nicely laced. Hops are very noticeable in the aroma and also has a sugary type of smell. I'm guessing it's like a honey smell. The taste is where the beer really shines. The hops adds bitterness into the fold and it's balanced with the sweetness of the supporting flavors. Like the smell I'm guessing the supporting flavor is honey with a bit of another flavor that I can't seem to place. It has very light carbonation so it goes down so smooth. It also feels smooth going down which adds to the charm. My only real gripe is that you can taste the alcohol pretty well but that's to be expected considering it's a pretty strong 11.5% abv. If you don't mind the taste of alcohol then this beer is going to blow your mind. This is up there with the best beers so far.


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