Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rogue Imperial Stout

Rogue Imperial Stout. This is quite a unique experience. It pours out in a dark color. It's basically pitch black with a think light brown head that has great retention and is beautifully creamy. The aroma is of coffee and roasted malts. It also has a slight chocolate aroma, but that's an afterthought. The flavor is resplendent as well. It tastes just like the smell but much more evident. It also has a thick consistency. When you get near the end of the beer you can see the thickness of the brew. This is the thickest beer I've had so it was quite the experience. It's 11% abv and you do taste the alcohol initially but it disappears as you drink it. The only hint of the alcohol is a slight warming taste in your mouth but the actual taste of the alcohol slowly disappears making this a very drinkable brew. It's so good.


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