Sunday, June 6, 2010

Wingstop Run!

So yea…today was pretty good overall. Started out shitty though. I overslept and ended up 15 minutes late to the calc final that I did really bad on. I’m gonna be retaking that shit again sometime. Fuck it. After that I took a long nap that was longer than expected. I woke up like at 3:30 ish. Went back to West Co and met up with Rose and we hit up Wingstop with Justin. I strayed from my usual and got lemon pepper instead of smoked hickory but everything else was the usual. After Wingstop Justin showed us that one liquor store that had a great beer selection but they weren’t chilled. I’m definitely gonna hit that up during the summer once I finish up on the liquorette. Justin also showed us a legit cigar shop. It makes me wanna start up cigs but we’ll where the summer takes me. After that Justin jammed out and we met up with Kevin at AMC. We chill there for a bit trying to figure out what movie to watch and we visit the liquorette before it closes to get drinks for the Laker game tomorrow. I got a Rochefort Trappistes 8 and a Port Brewing Midnight sessions. We then catch up with Chelsea at the lot and the four of us head over to In n Out for a bite to eat. I got a Double Double with Animal Fries and a root beer and I finished up the other half of Chelsea’s Double Double. I was satisfied after that but not full yet. Carissa and Caydie catch up with us there and we decided to check out Banana Bay but it was already closed so we just called it a night…food filled day with great people…it’s gonna be a bomb summer!


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