Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Samuel Adams Boston Lager

Samuel Adams Boston Lager. This is a tough beer for me to talk about because I got used to craft and specialty beers. I'll start off saying that this isn't a bad beer. It's still good for what it is, but it doesn't have the shine of the craft/specialties. It just seems simple. It pours in a dark amber color with a nice lacy white head and has a sweet aroma but it was hard to smell it over the rest of the food around me. BWW isn't the best place to judge a brew but it had to do. The flavor was pretty nicely balanced as the bitterness of the hops was sort of offset by the sweet malts. Overall it's a very simple beer. There's nothing that'll surprise you or really impress you. This is one of the better of what I call the regular brews which are the ones you see regularly at supermarkets or restaurants. It's not disappointing but it doesn't really shine either. Drink if you like but you aren't missing out on anything special.


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