Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tactical Nukes and Serendipity

Today was a pretty meh day again. That's usually how it is in Riverside; there just isn't much for me to do here. I started out the day by going to my Religious Studies discussion. There wasn't a quiz like I expected but my TA was in a bad mood. I'm just going to assume she was on her rag cause she was being a total bitch. Although it wasn't all bad, I got my paper on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s use of religious iconography and ideals to spur on the Civil Rights movement. I got an 87% on it, not too bad I think.

After class I went back to my apartment and put in some decent MW2 in. I managed to get a tactical nuke on Scrapyard by sniping  the side with the burning tanks. I used the Harrier airstrike, chopper gunner, and nuke killstreak set up with the Intervention with FMJ and thermal as my primary and Spaz as my secondary. I rocked the tactical insertion and stun grenade as my equipments and used Bling Pro, Stopping Power Pro, and Steady Aim Pro as my perks and Painkiller as my deathstreak. During that game I extended my killstreak record to 35, which is 2 kills higher than my previous of 33. and had a pretty good kill:death ratio having it at 40:2. If you wanna kill me on PSN add me: Dude_Dudenstein. Just make sure you put who you are in a message so I know who I'm adding.
Then I had my usual Ochem 112B lab session at night, but it wasn't too bad. The lab only lasted about 2 hours, so I got out of there pretty quick. 

Now to the chick flicks...

Serendipity is your basic chick flick. Man meets woman, woman lets fate decided whether to pursue something, and they both try and take fate into their own hands. There's nothing too special about this movie, but it's shallowly good. I might like the movie simply because the leading woman is Kate Beckinsale, and you can't really go wrong with her. John Cusack fills the role of male lead pretty well, which is expected because this isn't the first time he shows up in a romantic flick. The movie suffers from it's over reliance of the fate theme. Eugene Levy also plays a role as a humorous sales attendant and he adds a decent humor element in the movie that helps it along. Again, there's nothing too special about Serendipity. It's a basic chick flick that is entertaining but not groundbreaking. Watch it if you like chick flick, pass on it if you don't, but whether you watch it or not....go to the Serendipity café in Manhattan, it's very good.


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