Saturday, March 13, 2010


I started out the day with my Ochem midterm that I knew I was going to fail. I went in and basically got raped two ways from Sunday. I got the results back and I got an impressing 6%. 6 fuckin’ percent! Wow…

I then watched Food Inc. via netflix. I found it to be a pretty good movie. It didn’t really draw me in like I expected it to, but it was definitely worth watching. The movie definitely give you a new perspective on the food the you eat and the regulations that preside over them. It’s rather disturbing when you finally realize how the food gets to your plate. The conditions in which the animals are raised, kept, and slaughtered are completely deplorable and disgusting. To think that suck conditions lead to your plates is shocking. It’s worth watching to find out what really goes on withing food corporations.

After I watched Food Inc., I took a short one hour nap before I started my Religious Studies essay. The essay is basically a paper on how Mama Lola relates to the American religious experience. I didn’t really know what to write so I just winged it. Hopefully it’s a good paper despite me putting the wrong title on it. When I finished my paper I picked up Sana and we grubbed out at Coffee Break. I had the Chicken Katsu Curry and a Passion Fruit Slush. It was pretty good and definitely hit the spot. I gobbled that shit down cause I was starving. Sana had a steak sizzling platter, can’t really remember what it was exactly but it looked good and the part that I tasted was pretty yum.

We then went to AMC to hit up a showing of She’s Out of My League. It’s there where I caught up with Justin and his buddy so the four of us just caught the movie together.

I was expecting She’s Out of My League to be a bad movie. Admit it, it had all the ingredients to be a mediocre comedy and it claimed to be the finniest movie since The Hangover. I won’t say it’s the funniest movie since The Hangover because I though Zombieland was funnier, but this movie was still pretty damn funny. Where The Hangover and Zombieland were more polished and perfectly paced, which is important in a comedy, She’s Out of My League was, although hilarious, flawde. The first three quarters of the movie was hilarious and witty but dies a bit in the last quarter. Warning to all you girls out there, this movie has guy humor, so expect a lot of cussing and so forth. The awkwardness of the movie is just shy of that of I Love You, Man and is a notable effort. My only real complaints are that the humor dies off a good deal and becomes more slapstick near the end which is a contrast to the witty awkward humor that it had beforehand and that Stainer was very Napoleon Dynamite, a character that I hate with a passion. If you want a simple movie to make you laugh then this is a good choice for you. Watch it as soon as you can to get a fairly full theater as the audience’s laughs add a great deal of ambiance to the movie and makes it even funnier because of everyone reactions.

All in all it was a pretty decent day today…outside of the ochem results of course.


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