Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Taco Tuesday 3/17/2010

Taco Tuesday fat fest. My goal for the fest was 21 tacos. i initially ordered 15 tacos. Those weren't too difficult, although the tacos started to taste disgusting. After a short but of contemplation I decided to get three more tacos, but when I was at the register ordering, I thought "fuck it" and I ordered six just to get up to my goal. The final six tacos pushed me to my limit. The first 3 weren't too difficult, but I hit my wall on the 19th taco. That one was a bitch to power through. The final two were the hardest thing I have done in the longest time. After i finished the final two tacos, I was happy to hit 21, but I felt so sick. I couldn't move but I needed to walk back to my apartment with my roommate. The walk that followed is what like to call the Trail of Tears. I had to walk slow, I wanted to vomit, i almost vomited several times, but luckily I made it home. It is there that i passed out from food coma and meat sweats and when I woke up, I felt a little bit better, but still overall sick.


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