Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Double up on Lolita and a dose of a domestic terrorist

Today was completely unproductive. I basically went to my Econ discussion and facebooked there for an hour and went back to my apartment to watch the netflix movies that arrived.
 First off I got some good new from the Alizée official Tumblr. Apparently she’s going to be recording the video for her first single Les Collines tomorrow. The update says that they are going to post up pictures from the video shoot on one of her sites so I’ll be watching for that tomorrow. Her album is seriously on the way now, it’s under a month away from release; I’m definitely stoked for it.

On to the movies. The Netflix movies that arrived today was the Kubrick version of Lolita and Law Abiding Citizen. Of course I watched Lolita first cause, well, it’s Lolita.

This was a really great movie. It was made in 1962 I believe and it was directed by Stanley Kubrick. For those that don’t know Kubrick, he directed A Clockwork Orange. Because of A Clockwork Orange, I had high hopes for this movie. I was not disappointed. Don’t let the black and white visuals push you away from this movie as it doesn’t take away anything from it. The acting is top notch in the movie and I only have one complaint, and that’s with Peter Sellers’ portrayal of Clare Quilty. He just didn’t seem to fit in the context of the movie. Other than him, everyone else plays their role superb. Humbert seems torn and desperate, Charlotte is most definitely desperate, and Lolita holds her own being a complete tease. For a movie that centers around the pedophilia, much of the sexual tension that you would expect is absent, but that’s understandable because of the time in which this movie was released. The censors would not have allowed this movie to go through if it had all the sexual aspects from the book and even without those important pieces, Kubrick still was able to create an accurate portrayal of Nabokov’s controversial book. Watch this movie and read the book. Both are superb and are worth the time.

Law Abiding Citizen. It’s not necessarily a great movie, but it is entertaining. There’s a lot of plot holes in the movie, acting is alright, but if you just wanna see things blow up and people get killed, then go ahead and watch this. It tries to be smarter than it actually is; it seems to draw inspirations from V for Vendetta, but it doesn’t live up to it. Just sit back and relax and you’ll enjoy it. Don’t expect a revelation and don’t expect it to blow you away. Just enjoy the ride while the body count rises.


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