Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mediocre Wednesday


I started out the day with my Ochem final at 8am. I did horrible like I expected cause I didn’t go to lecture and all of Hooley’s exams are straight from the lecture. Apparently he’s notorious for hating the book so he doesn’t use it. I’m going to have to retake the class again next quarter. Although I don’t want to retake it, it won’t be too bad considering the professors next quarter are going to be easier. After the midterm I planned on taking a short nap but I ended up crashing until like 5 or 6pm.

I then went out to Carl’s with Andy and it’s there that I broke and bought Pokéman Heartgold. It’s a fucking addicting game as I’ve already logged in about 9 hours in the game. Late at night I had a short netflix session where I watched Sex Drive Unrated.

 Sex Drive is a funny movie and it’s better as the theatrical version. The unrated edition is gratuitous in the nudity and suffers because of it. Given the makers of the film warns you before you watch the movie that it’s basically gonna be shittier than the theatrical version and they advise you to actually watch the theatrical version first. They basically just added nude women in random scenes in the movie that makes no sense at all. They spliced in small bloopers and changed the movie a tad bit. If you’re a fan of the movie like I was then you’ll find the additions entertaining (excluding the random nude women). The additions are roughly cut in and are obviously added post post post production as a just for laughs thing and it’s definitely aimed towards guys, which isn’t surprising when looking at the theatrical version of the movie. All in all it’s still enjoyable but suffers from the random nude women they greenscreened in. If they just made it so that they added in the bloopers and extended scenes it would have been better, but as it stands now, it works and fans will like it.


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