Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bones Season 1

My sister got me into the show Bones. The first season isn't as polished as the other ones that I start out watching, but it's a good introduction into the show. Deschanel plays Brennan pretty damn well. She seems to be separated from the rest of the world, like she's couped up into her work to avoid the realities that bother her, mainly the disappearance of her parents when she was 15. Boreanaz plays Booth and he's pretty much the opposite from Brennan. He is the normal, everyday guy...more or less. He focuses on his work to appease his conscience. He used to be a Ranger sniper and he wants to catch as many criminals as individuals he killed in combat. Both main characters have their own reasons to focus on their work, but what makes the show so great is the banter that goes on between the two of them. Their differing personality traits just create a great oil and water type thing. As different as they are they need each other and are driven by each other. I wish there was more of an overall story arch instead of the evolution of Brennan's character to tie the whole season together, but the episodic nature also works well for this type of show where an entire case or mystery is solved within a single episode.


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