Friday, April 16, 2010

Kicking-Ass and eating peole

I took a break from my newly found WoWing experience to experience some movies.
 First up is Kick-Ass. When you watch Kick-Ass, think Tarentino. Bad stuff happens and you laugh or go “OOOH PWNED” or you version of that exclamation. It’s a rated R superhero movie that is exactly that, a superhero movie. The costumes are ridiculous, the action is pretty over the top…fucking christ it’s an 11 year old mowing down room after room of enemies…but it all works in context of the rest of the movie. Kick-Ass is appropriately geeky and basically in his own dream. Red Mist is an awkward as ever. Bid Daddy is pretty damn badass even if he wasn’t in the movie as much as I hoped for. Hit Girl steals the show. Badass 11 year old. Hit Girl and Big Daddy are one of the best duos in superhero movies in a while and it doesn’t hurt that their father-daughter relationship is nothing short of epic. It’s definitely worthy of it’s R rating as it’s pretty damn bloody for a comic book movie. The only other superhero movie that tops its bloodiness is Warzone, and I still think that Kick-Ass might top that too. It’s comedy made me laugh which is always a win for a movie. Overall Kick-Ass is a movie that you have to watch as soon as humanly possible. It’s worth the high price tag of movie tickets nowadays so get your ass up and watch it already.
Where do I start with Hannibal? You shouldn’t go into this movie expect a thriller cause it’s not really a thriller per se. It delves more into the characters than it does into the horrors of the characters. I still think that its a good movie, but it’s kinda hard to live up to Silence of the Lambs. Hannibal was barely in Silence of the Lambs and that solidified him as one of the creepiest characters in movie history. How does this compare? Well, he isn’t as creepy here but he definitely is more fucked up cause you can actually see how he kills. He has no mercy, no fear, and basically he doesn’t have the moral inhibitions that prevent people from doing what he does. And honestly, the end of this movie is pretty disturbing and it’s sure to shock and/or horrify a lot of people.


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