Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Let Me In Redband
Let Me In…probably wont live up to the original, but hopefully it turns out great in its own right. So far it looks like it has potential to be a great movie. If you haven’t seen the original (Let the Right One In) watch it now!
Simplicity is key
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Let the Battle Begin!
Dude I’m so stoked for Halo Reach! This campaign trailer get me even more excited for this game…I bought the new 360 for this…lets make it happen!
Today, Wednesday, is the recovery day. I woke up so early today, but that’s to be expected. When I wake up with a hangover it’s usually early in the morning. When I woke up basically my stomach was fuuuuucked up. I immediately call up Justin and Rose and I meet up with Justin at Wingstop, but that was after a much needed cigarette cause those seem to ease my stomach. But yea, after talked at Wignstop for a bit we pick up Rose and come back to be the first customers at the Industry Wingstop. I had my usual combo and it did not disappoint. It was as orgasmic as it usually was. After that the three of us go to AMC to see what was up with Shawn and to see if he was working but ended up talking to some of the peeps there. We jam out the Justin’s pad and we chill for a while and me and him started to jam out on guitars…boy do I suck at guitar. Yadda yadda yadda we decide to jam over to Victoria Gardens so we pick up Alicia really quick at her place and then we brought Caydie some Chipotle and then there we go to Victoria Gardens. We didn’t do much at VG…we just walked around for a while, used the bathroom and then we decide to hit up the beach…so we jam out to the beach.
The beach was as beautiful as usual and the first thing we did was hit up Rocco;s but they didn’t have a good selection of pizzas at the time so we went to the pier to walk it off a bit. It was cold and windy as fuck but with good company that all melts away into nothing. We made the most of the moment and talked as we experienced the ambiance of the environment. We soaked it all it and by the time we went back to Rocco’s I was hungry. I had the delicious mushroom pizza and an herb pizza. They were badass as expected and again…food did not disappoint.
After we ate we went down to the water. Me, Justin, and Alicia went in to the shallow part and chilled but Justin and Alicia decide to go all in, me and my tiny boxers weren’t down for that hahaha so I stayed out with Rose…yadda yadda yadda they come out freezing and me and Rose get the towels and we jam out. We ended up back at Justin’s house and basically we said fuck it let’s have a bonfire so we did. We made a quick Vons run for smores stuff and wood but it was all worth it as I also walked out with a fat tire. Ending the night by the fire is the life and after I brought Rose and Alicia back to their respective houses Justin and I watch Jackass 2.5 on xbox live to hilarious results…for a day that was supposed to be mainly recovery…I did a shitload. That is my life.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
That was a coyote…I thought it was a little girl…
After we eat and talk at Pinks we took the long lonely road back home…but really it was just the 60 freeway. We take Rose back to her place and we then went to the 24 hour Subway in Fullerton where we basically raided the touchscreen soda machine. We pulled up chairs to the machine and started drinking away. First we drank each flavor one by one…then we mixed all the flavors together into one nasty brown stew. Then Justin had the smart idea to spin around in the parking lot…so me and Justin spin 30 times and you know how that turns out…then me, Justin and Alicia spin 45 times and you definitely know how that turns out…and then I drive to their places to drop them off…and guess what? Justin didn’t have his house keys…so we wait for like 45 minutes in front of his house waiting for him mom to wake up so he can get in. What an idiot…hahaha…I take Alicia home and that wasn’t as theatrical as Justin but everything can’t be that weird. That was my night…laters!
Monday, July 26, 2010
So yea...
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Slightly behind
Today….Saturday…I just worked usher. I was worn out from this whole week so I was shutting down. After work I talked to Ryan and Alex for a bit and kept Alicia company at Chipotle while she got her order. Other than that I did nothing. A family dispute and beer was my night along with Bones….such is life
Friday, July 23, 2010
She's a real girl!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
So damn Incredible!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
At least you guys are in the credits
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
His is huge...
The Lost Abbey The Angel’s Share
Stella Artois
Stella Artois. This is what Heineken should be like. It pours out a clear yellow with a white head that settles and dissipates very quickly. It has a strong, very strong skunky aroma. It’s pretty intense. It has a slightly hoppy metallic flavor to it. It settles into a sweet undertone that the body carries somewhat well. This is a macro lager but it’s definitely one of the better ones on the market. If you like this sort of beers and are at a basic market, this would be one of the better choices. Overall it’s a decent beer that is marketed really well.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Blue Moon Honey Moon Summer Ale
Naked in Newport
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Another day
Friday, July 16, 2010
Inception and food with my girls
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Newcastle Brown Ale
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
BJ's Jeremiah Red
Despicable Me
Great Weekend
Friday, July 9, 2010
Nothing...just nothing
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Top Sniper Season 2
I had the ten piece combo with the flavors being Original Hot and Lemon Pepper and the rest was my usual. After we ate we head back to AMC to wait for asian Kevin but that didn’t really pan out so we ended up chillin’ with Kiwi and Caydie for a little bit. Some skating and bladeing later Chels and Carissa go into Caydie’s car and I take Justin in mine and we head over to Walmart…the 24 hour one in Baldwin. On the way there me and Justin rock out to Rush…The Starting Line…no homo of course…Sugar Ray…etc…that was a good time. Then we were at Walmart.
Me and Justin did the usual fucking around in Walmart. A few bras, heels, Ironman masks, axes, and hula hoops later we were one out way out and i was taking people home…fuck cops…
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The Hangover
Widmer Hefeweizen
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Super High Me
Cheeseecake and Bones
Monday, July 5, 2010
Catching up on my beers
BJ's PM Porter. This is one of the beers from BJ's and it's decent, but not really one of my top brews but a good beer nonetheless. It pours a deep brown color with a great head with great retention and lacing. This is an easy beer to drink cause it goes down so smooth. I'm not sure what its abv but I didn't taste the alcohol at all. The aroma was hard to smell because of the locale but I did smell a hint of coffee. It has a generally sweet flavor that finished slightly bitter but there isn't anything too spectacular about the flavor of the brew. There's not even a particular flavor that stands out, just a general sweetness and bitterness. It's works though especially with the very very mild carbonation and smooth texture. Easy to drink but tougher to place. If my favorite beers are 10/10, this would be a 6/10.
Bud Light, this beer is simple to describe. It pours a clear yellow, now head, no lacing, no flavor. It's basically water with some alcohol. This is a beer pong beer, but I'd still rather use Budweisers for beer pong. Fuck this light beer shit.
Pliny the Elder is a great IPA. It pours a golden yellow color with a white head and great retention. There isn't much lacing though, but that isn't that big of a deal. The aroma is very floral and perfumes of hops. You can tell that this is an IPA by the aroma and if you like IPAs you'll appreciate it all the better. The flavor is kinda tricky to me cause I'm not too accustomed to IPAs but it did start off with a good breadiness. The flavor kinda turns citrus-like and finished with a hoppy explosion that IPA lovers will rejoice in. This is way up there in my favorite IPA brews and is a great beer in and of itself. Wow...
Corona Extra. How the mighty have fallen. I used to swear by this beer when I first started to drink beers regularly. It goes best with a slice of lime. It pours a clear yellow with heavy white head but it dissipates very fast and has no lacing. It has thick carbonation and has both a skunky aroma and flavor. It goes best with lime cause it masks the true flavor of the beer. I have a hard time drinking this beer nowadays. Makes me kinda sad.
Budweiser, put simply, this is Bud Light with slightly more flavor. Ugh...
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
UFC 116
After that I went home and chilled with my sister and Terra. We played a little bit of Halo and then I went to Garrett’s place to drink a little bit. That was pretty bomb too and I think I had a decent amount to drink.
Today was 4th of July Sunday, pretty boring overall. Woke up, went to work, ushered, came home, watched some Bones, and now watching Brick. Such is life.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Kill me now
Friday, July 2, 2010
Killing spree
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Let Me In
This movie has potential but I have very very high expectations because the original is extraordinary. Let the Right One In is one of my favorite movies….hopefully this one lives up to the original source material
Eclipse and BJ's and much more
Wednesday, which was yesterday, I woke up and went to work at 9am. I worked with Perez and Alex doing deliveries and there was a shitload. I pulled a 10 hour shift with the guys and after that I gave Perez a ride to his place. After that I took a shower and bought a new 360 randomly and went to AMC to catch an Airbender screening but I was an hour too late. I just stuck around to wait for Kevin to come and when he showed up we ended up going to Friday’s with Caydie where I had a Bud Lite and the Jack Daniel’s Chicken strips. We spent a while just talking and ended up at AMC again waiting for several people to clock off and then me, Caydie, Wilson, and Garett ended up going to Denny’s and we all jammed out after that. I set up my 360 when I got home but that isn’t a big deal. But I did make a new gamertag…Dude Dudenstein…add me people.